Ethical & Environmental Trading
As part of our efforts to trade responsibly we pursue an environmental and ethical purchasing policy.
As much of our food as possible is locally sourced to ensure humane animal husbandry including our famous sausages. Local eggs and bacon also ensure we minimize the food miles.
Additionally, we try to source as much of our linen from British manufacturers and our sheets from Fairtrade sources. We are committed to reuse and repair to the maximum extent in order to trade as sustainably as possible, and in Winter our heating is supplemented by an open fire sustained by wood from our own grounds. In all things Reuse, Repair, Renew, Recycle are our watchwords.
Access Statement
We also have a comprehensive Access Statement, setting out any issues which you may face at Wainwrihght House and locally, and our efforts to minimise them. If you need this, contact us and we will be pleased to send you a copy.